Don't just sit there and waste your precious time. When you want to do something, do it right away. Do it when you can. It's the only way to live a life without regrets.

Age 23, Female

Music Hobbyist

Pico's School

Go Pico Yeah

Joined on 3/21/21

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TheMusicalManiac's News

Posted by TheMusicalManiac - September 13th, 2023

ONCE AGAIN A HUGE SHOUT OUT TO @TheShokBlok!! They held another one of those interesting "Drawing Your Character for Free" things - the goal? To make her and Nerine laugh!

I successfully made them laugh and I got this art of my Sonic OC Callie in return!! Thank you so much again for the wonderful art <3 I love the shading, posing, everything about this. I didn't expect my submission to make such an impact, so seeing my submission fully sketched, colored and shaded really brought a smile to my face. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU once again to the amazing ShokBlok!! PLEASE GO FOLLOW THEM.




Posted by TheMusicalManiac - August 17th, 2023

Shoutout to @Skeletard for this wonderful art of Callie! Please go follow them!! THIS IS FUCKING AMAZING!!! I love the Sonic Channel/Classic art style and it really tickles the Sonic part of my brain. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! <3 <3 <3




Posted by TheMusicalManiac - November 10th, 2022

Here's a special shoutout to @Yaisobog for their take on Callie! Sorry I haven't been posting so much, I've been very very busy with my studies and stress has made me unable to compose for a while. I hope I can continue making music to post soon. Thank you again for your patience everyone! <3 And once again thank you to the credited artist for the awesome art!



Posted by TheMusicalManiac - September 8th, 2022

OK. OKAY. Alright, alright. I'm back. I'm back. Sheesh. sigh

...So I left the FNF fandom a while back, like maybe months ago? Anyway. I just heard word that Revie was supposedly blackmailed by the team of the mod Vs. Sonic.exe. I'm not really sure who to trust as the Exe team isn't saying anything, but they're denying everything, which most likely means that they're hiding something. There was a video I watched showing proof that the Exe crew was in fact WAY WORSE than Revie, and defended a known p*do, JesterFrog. Revie was blamed on for doing the illegal stuff and was kicked from the team despite doing nothing wrong, and the online harassment of everyone led to her breaking down mentally and seeking therapy. I didn't watch it through, but I read through the comments, and a lot of people began to see through the cracks. There are also evidence files and tweets attached as links in the video's description. Watch the video here and make your own conclusions.

I am immensely disappointed in RightBurstUltra, JesterFrog (you fucking sicko), and the many other members of the Vs. Sonic.exe team for refusing to clear things up, hiding information, and defending a known pedophile while also blackmailing and scapegoating a known innocent victim. I hope they get what they deserve. Also, I hope Revie is alright, and I'm hoping that those accusations can be put to rest. As for Divide, the poor guy's art was disrespected by other members of the mod and vandalized. Fuck you, show a dead man some respect.

Actually, no. Fuck the fandom. Fuck you, FNF Fandom. Ever since its formation, and when it began to get traction, every mod I see seems to have some sort of controversy involving people of all ages doing all sorts of illegal stuff. Most of the time, it's usually diddling kids or abusing animals. The minor ones involve people stealing assets and claiming them as their own, and tbh I don't really care about those. BUT THE DIDDLING AND ABUSE?! Shit needs to stop. Why are there so many p*dos and z**philes in the FNF fandom?! Like guys. GUYS. THIS SHIT IS ILLEGAL. YOU CAN GET ARRESTED. WHY DO YOU GUYS DO THIS?! ARE YOU DUMB?!

For those doing that shit. Go to hell.

Don't stop at GO. Do not collect 200 dollars.


sigh This is why I'm playing the base game. Simple mechanics, simple gameplay, good vibes, good bops, nice fans, nice creators (ie the founders of the game), good shit. (Besides, Kawai Sprite makes better music. *cough* Sorry not sorry. Everybody go play the base game and loop the Erect mixes of Bopeebo and Dadbattle.)

I can't trust the mods no more. From Sky to Bob and Bosip, from Sunday Night S**cide to Bambi, there's too many controversial mods and immoral creators. This fandom's gotta learn some of this shit is illegal and immoral, lest I fear it will crash and burn, harder and faster than the Undertale fandom does watching Sans chug a bottle of ketchup. (Yes, it was a low blow, but it was low hanging fruit.) I'm gonna save myself from any more mental strain and jump the train. Bye, guys.

Phew! Anywho...life updates. Uh, it's been a while, hello. Sorry I haven't been able to post here much lately. It's been a bit hard as I've had a lack of creative energy and general mood swings kept me at low energy since May. I took a huge slump during finals, and during the summer, a lack of eventful things, lonesome days and constant vacations took a toll on my mental health. I've just begun school again at my third year of college, as a junior. I'm hoping that despite the tiring homework and classwork given each day, I can create more and make it through. Thanks to those for sticking with me.

Don't worry, dear listeners! I'll be getting back to your scheduled when and as-soon-as-possible jammin' music compositions momentarily! (Stand clear of the closing doors, please!)



Posted by TheMusicalManiac - May 12th, 2022

Hey everyone! I hope you're all doing well. It's been an absolutely horrible finals season. I finished just a few days ago, and I'm absolutely tuckered out of my goddamn mind. I'm very sorry for not being so active here lately, except for here and there. This college season kicked my ass. Hard. It's been difficult, but I made it through. Thank you everyone for your continued support, comments and likes <3 I really appreciate it. I really, really do. Thank you again <3

Now that summer is here, I want to work on more music! I've been in a stint lately, only composing a few pieces here and there. I need your help in choosing my next musical piece! Here are the next few options.

Note: Any FNF remixes listed here are chosen because I've done extensive research into the mods, and making sure they have no developers who happen to hold or engage with controversies. I have been very reluctant to remix FNF related things due to this, and I am taking great care into making sure I do not (and that I will not) engage with problematic creators, modders and fans. (If you want examples of controversies, look to the "Controversial mods" section of the FNF Mod Wiki or read up on FNF controversies on Twitter, Reddit, and Youtube. There's more of them than you'd ever want in a fandom... sigh)

  1. A remix of Unloaded from the FNF Online mod. Ever since I saw @RecD's cover, I checked out the original. It is absolutely fantastic, and I wanted to remix it as a belated "Pico Day" gift. Please, vote here in the comments if you want this to be the next project!
  2. A remix of Confrontation from the Sonic week of the FNF Secret Histories mod. I ended up seeing the original animated skit out of curiosity, based on the "secret" histories behind your favorite video games by Mashed. The song is absolutely ballistic, and I want to take a shot at it. Vote here in the comments if you want this to be the next project!
  3. An original theme for a Sonic variant version of Pico. I've been thinking about the idea for a while, but I'm not good at art, so I never got a design down. But if this rad orange dude with a 'tude can get anything from me, it's a good theme! It might take me some time to develop this, but I'll get something done! Please vote here in the comments if you want this to be the next project!
  4. Any other remix. If you want me to remix anything else, and have it be the next project, vote here! Please be specific in what you want remixed.
  5. Any other original song. It will take me time to develop more original music (OC themes, fan made game themes and such), but if you want something new, vote for this one here!

I'm sorry this was such a long read. But I really am thankful for you staying and reading this through. Thanks again for your patience and support, it is greatly appreciated during this very turbulent time. I will respond to any comments, but it might take me some time, as I'm headed on vacation in a few days. Happy summer and celebrations to all! Oh, and before I forget: Happy Pico day, you gun busting bastard. Your Uzi's got a special place in my figurative heart. Not literally, because I'd get blammed.



Posted by TheMusicalManiac - April 26th, 2022

Here's this week's very special shoutout to @TheShokBlok for this amazing art!

He took some time to draw my Sonic OC, Callie, accompanied by someone else in a duet art request thread: @NoobyGotHit!


Thank you so much for the amazing art! Everyone go follow the above respective accounts! It's super cool I got to be in a collab, thank you so much again ShokBlok for doing this for me and Nooby. Both of us look great!

Okay, gotta dash!



Posted by TheMusicalManiac - April 11th, 2022

This review will have no spoilers, so feel free to read it through!

This movie is absolutely fantastic! I saw it over the weekend with some friends and it was absolutely amazing. Every reference nod, every quote, every scene is so memorable, and Idris Elba as Knuckles and Colleen O'Shaughnessy as Tails KICK ASS! Jim Carrey does an excellent job as Robotnik once again, and I hope they all reprise their roles in the upcoming third film!

I highly recommend you see this in the movie theater for the best experience, and be sure to stock up on Sonic merch and chili dogs! Be sure to look out for references, key themes and character development - despite a slow start, this movie speeds up till the end! Oh, and be sure to stay for the after credits. There's bound to be tons of discussion of the ending, so if you haven't seen it yet, beware of spoilers!

Other than that, enjoy. Get those blue raspberry and wild cherry slushies, overbuttered popcorn and go see that film ASAP! There's bound to be other fans excited just like you, so be prepared for participation! I'd talk more, but I worry my yapper would spoil shit, so I'll keep quiet for a while. Gotta speed, keed!



Posted by TheMusicalManiac - March 1st, 2022

I recently heard about Russia's plans to overtake Ukraine in a war like effort to annex the country. I'm very disappointed in Putin for his choice to engage in war with another country, killing thousands of innocent people, and arresting and killing thousands of people of his own country who disagree with his decisions. Although I cannot donate to any charities at this time due to my broke status of college student, I will do my best to disavow and slam down any Pro-Russia or anti-Ukraine propaganda.

I may be slow to make music, but I will continue to make my music free and easily available to listen to, as I always have been; I have never earned a cent of profit on my tracks as it is merely a hobby for me to make music. But now I find that free music is more important than ever. If anyone personally has any recommendations or requests for remixes and covers, please, feel free to reach out to me here on my Newgrounds.

I'm very disappointed in you, Putin. As for the citizens of the country of Ukraine, I'm very sorry you have to deal with this. I hope you find ways to stay safe or flee the country, and I wish you all good luck.



Posted by TheMusicalManiac - February 11th, 2022

Hey everyone!

I really want to thank you all for your listens. It's been really tough for me lately, having suffered another passing in the family. I've been real sad a lot, been handed more homework than I could ever finish, and I don't handle death too well, so I haven't been the best lately. I made the Needemouse as not just a tribute track to one of my favorite analog horror series of all time, but also as a vent track. Easily triggered by death and loss I made the track as depressing as possible to not only show the rage of Sarah, the main villain in the series, but also to show my emotions in how hard I've been struggling. Some days I've cried my hardest, buckets of tears, while other days I feel numb, and don't feel anything. By creating music it keeps my mind off things and helps me push through the stresses of each day. And to see that you really like the stuff I make, how much effort I put into my music, it really means a lot to me. It makes me happier than you know, and I want to take the time to write this note, and to say to all of you: Thank you for your love, support and comments <3 It doesn't matter to me how many people come by my page, even having just one fan is more than enough for me <3 I love you, Newgrounds, and thank you for your continued support.



Posted by TheMusicalManiac - February 7th, 2022

I haven't posted a news thing in a while, or anything FNF related, so fuck it.

I recently got a request asking for one of my covers to be added to someone's FNF mod. Unfortunately, I have to decline due to my dislike of how the FNF fandom is at its current state for a few reasons.

The first being that the FNF fandom has become toxic, immature and cancel heavy. The fandom is, in my frank opinion, full of children that don't really know how to respect art and artists. The other problem with FNF as a whole is that mod creators, such as the now fired director of the Vs. Sonic.exe mod, have come out as pedophiles and have done other crimes such as cyberstalking, sexting, manipulation and other bad things. I would not like to be associated with a mainly bad group of apples, despite all the creativity people have come to accomplish in making these mods.

Henceforth, any FNF covers are mine and mine alone. They are not to be used in any FNF mods what so ever. You can cover and remix them as you wish, but credit must be given to me as the original creator. If you plan to use my music in a mod and/or have already done so without my consent and verification, expect your mod to be flagged, erased and deleted off the site. I take my usage very seriously and I do NOT wish to be associated with the scum that is the current state of FNF and its fandom.

Thank you for your understanding.
