lmaooo boys will be boys. As someone who only knew about the Boondocks from internet reactions because adult swim was banned in my house, this is fuckin' funny. keep it up and great stopmotion and claymation!! Always gonna be a fan of your work :3
lmaooo boys will be boys. As someone who only knew about the Boondocks from internet reactions because adult swim was banned in my house, this is fuckin' funny. keep it up and great stopmotion and claymation!! Always gonna be a fan of your work :3
lol! Ur right abt that XD
The Boondocks forever goes down as my favorite show (grew up watchin’ it)
I appreciate u, Thanks!
I’m glad u enjoyed it! :)
Pico's not fucking around - even with old friends it's no exception!! Fantastic work. Kinda reminds me of that one GIF of PhantomArcade's of Pico loading his gun but more professionally shaded
I actually disliked reading the book back in what was it...high school...? I actually preferred "Catcher in the Rye." I wonder why that hasn't gotten any adaptations yet...I love this AMV! Very creative :3
Lol! Yea I got that feelin once I read Lord of the Flies (I still remember it and it’s been MAAAD long since I’ve read it lol)
Anyways, Thanks Boss! I’m glad u enjoyed the AMV :)
Brb gonna go rewatch this again, this is too funny lmao. Pico's ass is not listening XD
Yo Thanks!!
Oh my god this animation brought me back (it’s hard yet nostalgic to watch)
Aight, quick story time, I had made this cartoon with my friend and my lil cousin when we were just bored in the house. My lil cousin did all of the voices which is why it’s Lowkey hard for me to watch because I don’t stop laughin at this kids voice man (he did good, but it get’s me rollin’) XD
I thinks Pico might need some hearing aids tho smh
This is a great audio, once again love the stopmotion animation. Good shit man. I hope someday you get to do a FNF one with the "If you cut your leg off would you feel pain in your leg" audio because that shit is way too funny
Thanks Boss! I appreciate u a Lot
Also Ngl, I’m surprised I haven’t made one with the “if your leg is cut off would you feel the pain”
But that one’s gon’ be on top of the list lol! :)
*And then in the background*
It's so funny you linked that video because it was one of many I watched trying to figure out a voice to do for the raven!
This is fantastic stop motion!! I love the mouth movements and even the rainy background fits. GOOD STUFF!!!
Thank u so Much! :)
I rlly appreciate it
It was fun makin this so I’m lowkey glad that it payed off :)
The fuck you mean you can't animate...? This is a fantastic piece of work. Also loving Pico's do lol
Thanks a lot
Don't just sit there and waste your precious time. When you want to do something, do it right away. Do it when you can. It's the only way to live a life without regrets.
Age 23, Female
Music Hobbyist
Pico's School
Go Pico Yeah
Joined on 3/21/21