Awwww now ain't this cute...but Pico, you're missing out on the best part of the burger...the pickles...! Ah, just kidding. Love it!!
Awwww now ain't this cute...but Pico, you're missing out on the best part of the burger...the pickles...! Ah, just kidding. Love it!!
Wow!!! I love your style for him!! Good work <3
Thank you so much <3
"Sonic! They're after us...!!"
"Jeez, and on my chili dog break time, too...shoulda taken that left turn at Albuquerque."
"...Excuse me?"
"Never mind! Let's speed, keed!!"
"Well, it is still your cat."
"Go get him!"
"Its yours, not mine. Your responsibility, not mine."
"....Okay. Actually its not mine, I just took off with him on the street and—"
"Falsified adoption papers?"
"*sigh* You can't keep doing this..."
"Sooo how's the migraine?"
"You're a migraine when you really want to be, huh."
"No I'm not..!! I'm just...enthusiastic about your cooking. Even during inconvenient times when you absolutely shouldn't listen to me."
"*sigh* You're lucky I'm sick enough to not physically punch you into a wall."
"See? You'll be better in no time!"
Darnell is so done lmao poor guy, let him rest!!! I'd get him some ginger ale and cough lozenges imo...those always help me.
Aww, so cute!! Wonder what spooky story is being told here...
I love the costumes!! Happy Halloween!!
Thank you! You too!
Awww how cute <3 happy halloween!!
"I love you Darnell...!"
"Aww haha you too Nene~! Goodness you're so sweet when you wanna be huh?"
"And you too...Pico."
"Fuck off... *sighhhhhh* You just took any excuse to bite come I don't get Darnell treatment?"
"Because I don't love you that much >:3"
So cute!
"Sometimes I don't even know why I was placed here. I don't know what my purpose is. My existence is meaningless, imperfect, mocked, underappreciated. I really don't know where to go-"
"mmmm rain waterrrr"
Don't just sit there and waste your precious time. When you want to do something, do it right away. Do it when you can. It's the only way to live a life without regrets.
Age 23, Female
Music Hobbyist
Pico's School
Go Pico Yeah
Joined on 3/21/21