"Oh, you wretched rodent...you ruined my mode of transportation! But at least I got this Time Stone. You're gonna have to try again!"
"Oh, you wretched rodent...you ruined my mode of transportation! But at least I got this Time Stone. You're gonna have to try again!"
"You have a nice shot, Nack, but could you PLEASE NOT AIM AT MY EGGMOBILE?!"
"Heh heh. Sorry, Doc. No targets, so I had to test it on your mech. Gonna have to make it a bit more...bulletproof!"
"That's what you say, RoBUTTNIK!"
"Sonic...that's King Sharayar. He may be your enemy in your universe, but he will help you here."
"No way, Jose!"
(He proceeds to get taken away by a pterosaur)
"Alright... (Sonic taps his foot impatiently) Fiiine. If I have to..."
Mmmmmichael Jackson.
Hee hee
i misread arm as alarm. i am so tired
Am happy to report I finished this game in 2 hours. What an absolutely wonderful game. I could never ask for a better April Fools Day gift <3 Send all the team my regards, as a Sonic fan I am impressed by the art, music and story! Gosh I'm so hyped
Amazing work! I love your style here too.
Love the silly Italian man, better than Mario 10/10
"You seen this rrrascally rrrracketer right here? I want you to capture him and give him to me, ALIVE OR OTHERWISE!"
"Heh, I'll snipe him before you can even sit down, Doc!"
"Well done, sir. Your new contraption, the Ninja, has completely obliterated the Sonic dummy."
"Excellent! Sage, make more of these copies and send them to the Starfall Islands! In time, I will rule them take the Chaos Emeralds for myself!! Wahahahah!"
Don't just sit there and waste your precious time. When you want to do something, do it right away. Do it when you can. It's the only way to live a life without regrets.
Age 23, Female
Music Hobbyist
Pico's School
Go Pico Yeah
Joined on 3/21/21