Well done! This one really struck out to me and I love your style. Followed!
Well done! This one really struck out to me and I love your style. Followed!
Awww so cute, followed <3
Lookin cool!
Instant 5/5 Piconjo rulz!!
Instant follow! Excellent work! (Also loving the artstyle)
Did you make good terms with LF or are j00 guys still enemies?
I 0nly spr3ad teh <3. Ive always <3d him, we wuld stay up all nite togeth3r watching and animat1ng his final f4ntasy moovies adn laughing. Teh best 0ne we mad3 was “A Legendary Final Fantasy” it w0n 3 awards at teh Sundance Film F3stival.
Instant follow! Your art is fantastic! Good work!
Look how stern he is. Look at this powerful boi.
The last thing you see before oblivion is that face
This is excellent...you should draw for the comics!!
Thanks that so sweet :)
Nice work! Love the shading and coloring!
thank you!!
Don't just sit there and waste your precious time. When you want to do something, do it right away. Do it when you can. It's the only way to live a life without regrets.
Age 23, Female
Music Hobbyist
Pico's School
Go Pico Yeah
Joined on 3/21/21